

Neutral Neutral

Pal No.: #089

About Kingpaca

Alpha Title: Supreme Fluff Commander

Alpaca serve this Pal. Contests between KingAlpaca offer up their vassals as a wager. Those seen alone are losers of such contests.


Gathering Gathering
Lv 1

Partner Skill

King of Muscles King of Muscles

While in a team, Kingpaca helps carry supplies, increasing the player's max carrying capacity.

Active Skill

Sand Blast Sand Blast Level: 1

Power 40 Cooldown 4 Range 500 - 300

Hurls sticky mud at an enemy.

Power Shot Power Shot Level: 7

Power 35 Cooldown 4 Range 600 - 3000

Charges energy into a focused blast.

Power Bomb Power Bomb Level: 15

Power 70 Cooldown 15 Range 1000 - 9999

Charges a massive amount of energy before firing a large destructive ball.

Kingly Slam Kingly Slam Level: 22

Power 100 Cooldown 21 Range 0 - 1000

Leaps high into the air before smashing into an enemy with its massive body.

Tri-Lightning Tri-Lightning Level: 30

Power 90 Cooldown 22 Range 0 - 9999

Generates lightning that strikes an enemy three times from above.

Rock Lance Rock Lance Level: 40

Power 150 Cooldown 55 Range 100 - 9999

Generates a sharp rock spear under an enemy.

Pal Blast Pal Blast Level: 50

Power 150 Cooldown 55 Range 500 - 1800

Charges destructive energy before firing a high-powered beam forward across a wide area.

Kingpaca Location

Palworld Location Day
Palworld Location Night

Items Drops

Item Amount Rate
Wool Wool 5 - 5 100%

Kingpaca Stats

HP 120
Defense 90
Crafting Speed 100
Melee Attack 100
Shot Attack 85
Stamina 100
Support 100
Running Speed 500
Sprint Speed 700
Slow Walk Speed 80

Pal of the same Element