

Neutral Neutral

Pal No.: #001

About Lamball

Alpha Title: Big Floof

A walk up a hill tends to end with this Pal tumbling back down. This causes it to become dizzy and unable to move, making it easy to capture and kill. As a result, this Pal has tumbled down to the very bottom of the food chain itself.


Handiwork Handiwork
Lv 1
Transporting Transporting
Lv 1
Farming Farming
Lv 1

Partner Skill

Fluffy Shield Fluffy Shield

When activated, equips to the player and becomes a shield. Drops Wool when assigned to Ranch.

Active Skill

Roly Poly Roly Poly Level: 1

Power 35 Cooldown 1 Range 0 - 1000

Curls into a ball, rolling after any enemies in its way. Becomes dizzy and unable to move after the attack ends.

Power Shot Power Shot Level: 15

Power 35 Cooldown 4 Range 600 - 3000

Charges energy into a focused blast.

Implode Implode Level: 22

Power 230 Cooldown 55 Range 0 - 1000

Risks its life to cause a violent explosion. Becomes incapacitated afterwards.

Electric Ball Electric Ball Level: 30

Power 50 Cooldown 9 Range 500 - 2500

Fires an electric ball that slowly pursues an enemy.

Power Bomb Power Bomb Level: 40

Power 70 Cooldown 15 Range 1000 - 9999

Charges a massive amount of energy before firing a large destructive ball.

Pal Blast Pal Blast Level: 50

Power 150 Cooldown 55 Range 500 - 1800

Charges destructive energy before firing a high-powered beam forward across a wide area.

Lamball Location

Palworld Location Day
Palworld Location Night

Items Drops

Item Amount Rate
Wool Wool 1 - 3 100%
Lamball Mutton Lamball Mutton 1 - 1 100%

Lamball Stats

HP 70
Defense 70
Crafting Speed 100
Melee Attack 70
Shot Attack 70
Stamina 100
Support 100
Running Speed 400
Sprint Speed 550
Slow Walk Speed 23

Pal of the same Element